RIPA-56 is a potent (IC50=13 nM, EC50=28 nM for HT-29 cells) and selective inhibitor of Receptor-Interacting Protein 1 (RIP1) kinase with significant metabolic stability (t1/2=128 min human liver microsomal stability assay). RIPA-56 showed excellent kinase selectivity and did not inhibit IDO at 200 µM. It was able to block the progression of multiple sclerosis in an immune-induced demyelination model.

Catalog ID: CV-1043-2


  • Product Details

    • Size: 50.0 mg
    • Physical State: White powder
    • Temperature Storage: -20°C
    • Temperature Shipping: Ambient
    • Molecular Mass: 221.3
  • References

    1. Ren, Y., et al., (2017) J. Med. Chem., 60 : 972
    2. Zhang, S., et al., (2019) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 116 : 5675