Tau 1A6 Antibody Kit

Product background: The Tau proteins are a family of neuronal microtubule associated proteins that are found in the neurofibrillary tangles often associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. Tau promotes the assembly and maintains the structure of microtubules in neuronal cells.

About the product: Tau-1A6 (TA-2001) is a rPeptide exclusive Tau mouse monoclonal antibody that binds all 6 Tau isoforms.

Applications: This anti-Tau mouse derived monoclonal antibody specifically recognizes all six Tau isoforms. This kit contains the 1A6 antibody and a Tau antigen. Possible applications could include isoform identification, qualitative analysis, or expression level monitoring through western blots, ELISAs, or other methods.

Catalog ID: TA-2008-2


  • Product Details

    • Size: 2 x 100 µg
    • Physical State: Liquid & White lyophilized powder
    • Temperature Storage: -80°C
    • Temperature Shipping: Dry Ice
    • Purity: >90% by SDS-PAGE
  • References

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    2. Goedert, M., (1993) Trends Neurosci., 16 : 460
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    4. Goedert, M., et al., (1989) Neuron., 3 : 519
    5. Himmler, et al., (1989) Mol Cell Biol., 9 : 1381
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    7. Nobuhara, C., et al., (2017) Am J Pathol., 187(6) : 1399–1412